Call for Abstract & Session Submission


I. Submit an Abstract for Oral/Poster Presentation


Guidelines for Abstract Submission


Abstracts should be submitted in English via online submission system (closed) for the consideration of oral or poster presentation at the 8th Mind-Body Interface International Symposium, held in Taichung, Taiwan on Oct. 26-28 2018.


※ Deadline extended for abstract submission: July 20th, 2018 (Closed)


※ Word limit: 500 words, and the abstract should include Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion. All submission must be in English.


※ We welcome submissions on area related to (1) basic science and the biological processes and factors underlying the links between diet, nutrition and mental health, including the brain-gut-microbe axis, immunology and metabolic processes and molecular science, etc., (2) neuroimaging, personalized medicine, life style intervention, health promotion and disease management, etc. in mental health across age groups. and (3) epidemiology, public health and population studies, etc. in mental health.


※ Submission will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and results will be released and sent to the applicant by email, no later than July 31st, 2018.


※ No honorarium is given; however, complimentary rates for registration are provided if accpeted. All accepted participants are cordially invited to the welcome dinner hosted in the evening of Oct. 27th, 2018.


※ Best Poster Award is granted with a certificate and USD$ 200. The winner will be announced at Award Ceremony on Oct. 28th, 2017.


※ Download the form for Abstract Submission for Oral/Poster Presentation: Word/PDF




II. Submit a Session


The 8th MBI Int’l Symposium is seeking for proposals for symposia sessions, which are intended to complement a broader conceptual themes of invited talks. Hence, proposed symposia sessions should be focused on a special interest topic; for example, a methodological issue, a disease-centered approach, or a focused topic within a specific domain of neuroscience.


The time allocated for each session is 120 minutes, organised as 4-5 talk slots. Discussion time can be scheduled according to the organizers discretion (e.g., after individual talks, concentrated at the end of a session, or for an alternative format, such as a debate among the speakers, an extended Q&A between the audience and speakers, etc.).


Session chair must ensure that all speakers are committed to participating in the symposium before submitting a proposal, and is also responsible for assurance of adherence to the rules and of the merit of the presentation.


In the case of a session talk with more than one author, the first author must present the work. Proposals will be evaluated by the MBI Scientific Committee. Symposium sessions often benefit from a diversity of perspective and institutional affiliations. Proposals from young investigators are encouraged. Submitting a session proposal and/or speaking in a symposium does not prevent you from submitting an abstract for an oral or poster presentation at MBI Int’l Symposium.


Guidelines for Session Submission


Proposal should be submitted in English via online submission system (closed) for the consideration of symposium sessions presented at the 8th Mind-Body Interface International Symposium, held in Taichung, Taiwan on Oct. 26-28 2018.


※ Deadline for session submission: Jun 30th, 2018 (Closed)


※ It is required to provide a session summary and an abstract for each of the talks in the session. The summary and each abstract must not exceed 250 words each, including Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion. All submission must be in English. The session and talk titles should clearly define the work discussed.


※ Submission will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and results will be released and sent to the applicant by email, no later than July 31st, 2018.


※ No honorarium is given; however, complimentary rates for registration is provided if accepted. All session presenters are cordially invited to the welcome dinner hosted in the evening of Oct. 27th, 2018, as well as Post-Symposium Tour on Oct. 29, 2018.


※ MBI Symposium Organising Committee reserves the right to ask a session chair to modify their session to ensure balance and quality in the symposium programme.


※ Download the form for Proposal Submission for Symposium Session: Word/PDF






Posted on 2018-05-04Share this: